Residents of Dalhousie Township in what is now Lanark Highlands, Marion and Brien were the founders of Paul’s Maple Products. They are widely recognized in the maple industry for their quality maple products, early adoption of innovations, their support for other maple producers, contributions to the growth of the maple industry and their generous gifts of time and knowledge to many.
Marion and Brien brought new technologies such as pipelines, vacuum pumps and reverse osmosis systems to Lanark and played a leadership role helping many farmers with modernization through the 1960’s to the 2000’s.
Marion was a tireless promoter of value-added maple products teaching others how to make them an improve their businesses.
Active in the formation and operation of the maple syrup producers’ association, Marion was inducted into the North American Maple Syrup Hall of Fame in 2001 for her exceptional service to the industry.
Marion and Brien were also early leaders in private land forestry through tree planting on marginal lands and the operation of sawmill to utilize products from their forests.
Marion and Brien made strong contributions to their community as well through local organizations and municipal politics. Marion passed away in and Brien in.
The following generations of the Paul family continue to operate Paul’s Maple Products on the family farm.